Spiritual Baby Steps

"Doing" spirituality in the real world

Good Enuf is the New Perfect

When did being good enough become not enough? I can’t think of anyone I know who’d be excited to get a “good enough” review. Everybody wants to be the best. Or at least, great! Everyone walks around completely frustrated with what they didn’t get accomplished instead of being satisfied, let alone happy, with what they did. Is it just an evolutionary thing… that we had to focus on the negative in order to survive and now we’re just fostering a bad habit that is no longer serving us… or is there more to it?

Why is this tendency to walk around feeling that we are never good enough so prevalent? I think somewhere along the line, we took the notion that anything is possible a little too far. While it’s true that there are people who can do great things… I don’t necessarily believe that any person can do anything they want. Not every kid who wants to get into Yale makes it. Not every person who wants to be a famous actor or singer will make it big. If you think about it, that’s a heck of a lot of pressure on the person thinking that if they just try hard enough, they can be and do anything they want. All of a sudden, there are no boundaries, no guidelines… no reality checks.

Now, this might seem like an odd way to start back on the blogging circuit! I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic, stepping on the dreams of our youth. But the truth is, this whole ‘gotta be the best’ mentality has stopped me cold on numerous occasions as I’ve thought about getting back to writing. What if it’s not good? Or worse, really bad? What if no one cares? Are we creating a world where people are afraid to fail? And if failing isn’t part of the process, then you certainly aren’t pushing yourself to do anything great… because greatness comes with lots of learnings (aka failures). Come to think of it, maybe that’s exactly (or close to) the recipe to greatness… try, good enough, try, fail, try, good enough, try, fail, (fail, fail, fail), try, better, try, fail, try, great!!

Make no mistake… allowing yourself to be simply ‘good enough’ takes courage… it requires feeling the fear of not being good enough and doing it anyway. It’s recognizing that good enough gets you into the arena… while waiting to be perfect keeps you in the stands. I’m realizing that, at least for me, a whole life of good enough is better than a list of regrets for things that didn’t happen because I was trying to get it perfect or scared I wouldn’t be the best. So, I’m going to hold the fear of not good enough, not long enough, not relevant enough, not witty enough… and I’m going to click the ‘publish’ button anyway. Because in case you haven’t heard… good enuf is the new perfect!

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5 thoughts on “Good Enuf is the New Perfect

  1. Back to your blog with a bang! That’s a really powerful blog and I really enjoyed it. I started Art Lessons last night, I haven’t painted since school, a long time ago. The first exercise was to get paint down on paper as bold as you good. It was incredibly liberating, creative, and Good Enuf!! Welcome back Rashel, we missed Ya! 🙂

    • Fabulous! I took an art class recently and had a similar experience… incredibly liberating and very fun! Thanks for your positive encouragement… it means a lot!

      • You’re welcome Rashel. I’m not sure about you but I’m always caught in a dilemna should I blog or should I just shut up and get on with self improvement myself without blabbing about it. I think the answer is both! We do need an opportunity to connect and share our experiences. I’m glad you shared yours!

  2. Shelley Johnson on said:

    So glad you are making the time to write, Rashel. I always enjoy reading your ideas and thoughts! XO Mama

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